It is generally acknowledged that research into moisture risk and safety in buildings has been ignored in the UK (and indeed in much European funding) for many years. There is therefore a lack of research capacity as well as understanding in this area.
The UKCMB intends to change this situation by working with all sectors, including academia, government, industry, media and the public to ensure clear and proportionate attention is given to the issue of moisture in buildings in funding and research. It is essential that moisture research and consequently, training, guidance and public information are increased in both quality and quantity, as quickly as possible. In this way the known moisture risks in retrofit, changing lifestyle, and climate change can be integrated into current policy, standards and practice, and unknown risks are considered and spotted as they develop. Dealing with known risks requires focus on data, methodologies and current construction process. Dealing with unknowns means taking a systemic, contextual and comparative approach and working in a multi-disciplinary and creative way.