Technical Director
Dr Valentina Marincioni is a Lecturer in Building Physics at University College London. She is an expert in building physics and moisture in buildings, with a particular focus on internal wall insulation. Her research focuses on the integration of building physics, predictive modelling and monitoring for the reduction of moisture-related issues in buildings. Her work includes the development of frameworks and tools for moisture-safe construction, the assessment of the energy and hygrothermal performance of traditional and historic buildings, and the development of innovative building fabric solutions.
She is member of British Standard committees CB/401 on Retrofitting Energy efficient measures and B/540/02 on Building performance – Moisture, a national expert in the IEA SHC Task 59/ECB Annex 76 on Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Energy and past member of IEA ECB Annex 55 on Reliability of Energy Efficient Building Retrofitting.