Negin Jahed is an architect and a building physics expert, and currently a PhD student in Conservation of Cultural Heritage Program at Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. She has studied Architectural Engineering. In December 2017, she concluded her Master’s research in Architecture at METU. Her previous research focusses on performance-based retrofit and passive/green building systems. She won the METU 2017-2018 Graduate Course Performance Award as the most successful Ph.D. student in the Program. Currently, her research activities focus on energy-efficient retrofit solutions for historic buildings.
The Title of her PhD Project:
Retrofitting Solutions for Improving Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort in Heritage Dwellings of Turkey
Brief Description of the Project:
The aim of this project is to develop a decision-making process to identify the retrofit needs of Turkey’s heritage dwellings through the assessment of end-user perspective, socio-cultural factors and technical solutions to ensure compatibility with regards to the energy efficiency, resident comfort, and heritage conservation. In order to develop a holistic outlook in this regard, the research concerns itself with identifying the short- to mid-term gaps, not only in research, but also in guidance and practice to underpin policy. To this end, a methodological framework using a wide ranging investigation methods, including field studies, surveys with target groups, and modelling will be developed. The hence validated methods and methodological pathway will then be further tailored in light of intersectoral stakeholder feedback.
This project will be carried out as part of the “PROcesses for sustainable retrofit of Traditional dwellings in Turkey for Climate-resilience, Conservation and ComforT (PROT3CT)”, a cross‐disciplinary joint research program; funded by British Council (no. 527666821) and TÜBİTAK (no. 119N514) through Newton Funds Institutional Links and of “Tales of cold and draft: Establishing retrofit needs of Turkish vernacular architecture for energy-efficiency, comfort and conservation” funded by 2019-2020 UCL Small Grants Grand Challenges scheme.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Güliz Bilgin Altınöz, Department of Architecture, Middle East Techncial University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
Co-supervisors: Dr. Yasemin Didem Aktaş, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), University College London (UCL), London, UK., Dr. Peter Rickaby, Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE), University College London (UCL), London, UK.