UKCMB Annual Conference 2019 – Challenges and Opportunities: Moisture and the Built Environment – 5th November 2019

UKCMB Annual Conference 2019 – Challenges and Opportunities: Moisture and the Built Environment – 5th November 2019

The conference will review the work of the UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings (UKCMB) alongside presentations about moisture in buildings by expert guest speakers from industry and academia.

The conference is free to attend, but places are limited. We hope that you and your colleagues will join us for this event, to learn about our research and training activities, to help us shape the work of the UKCMB for the coming years, and to help us promote moisture-safe building and retrofit across our industries. Please register before 25 October. All bookings will be acknowledged and joining instructions will be circulated before the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference,

Hector Altamirano, Peter Rickaby, Yasemin Aktas, Valentina Maricioni and Colin King (the UKCMB management team).

Provisional agenda

08:30 – 09:30 Arrival, registration and refreshments

09:30 Welcome, introduction and overview of the day, Hector Altamirano

09:40 Welcome from the BRE Chief Executive, Gillian Charlesworth

09:50 Update on UKCMB’s activities and Future Plan, Peter Rickaby

10:10 Monitoring and Modelling of Moisture in Buildings, Valentina Marincioni

10.25 Moisture in existing buildings and retrofit, Robert Prewett and Harry Paticas

10:40 Whole house approach: the moisture white paper and BS5250, Chris Sanders

11.00 Driving Retrofit Quality: PAS 2035, Peter Rickaby

11.20 Refreshment break

11:40 Ventilation, airtightness and moisture in buildings, Ian Mawditt and Tim Sharp

12:00 Demand controlled ventilation, Simon Jones

12.20 Presentation about the UKCMB CPD courses, Hector Altamirano

12.30 Networking Lunch

Including poster presentations (posters of the projects UKCMB has been working on) and an introduction to the MIMA tool and video

14:00 A holistic approach: designing out moisture, minimising construction moisture, and moisture as a pollutant in use, Lynne Sullivan

14.20 What is an acceptable level of building moisture and how is it defined? Steve Hodgson

14.40 Flooding, Dina D’Ayala (to be confirmed)

14.50 Refreshment break

15:00 Are damp homes bad for our health? Graham Atherton

15:20 Moisture and Health, Public Health England (to be confirmed)

15:40 Summary of the day, Colin King

16:15 Close of conference