UKCMB chairs and speaks at Government business focus webinar on Damp and Mould in tenant accommodation

UKCMB chairs and speaks at Government business focus webinar on Damp and Mould in tenant accommodation
UKCMB Web Admin

UKCMB’s Dr Hector Altamirano-Medina and Dr Peter Rickaby will be chairing and speaking respectively at the Government Business Damp and Mould in tenant accommodation – Solutions for Councils and Landlords online webinar on 18th July.

The panel included experts in health, building and air quality, including James Berry, Deputy Chief Executive of the Property Care Association, Doug Booker at Lancaster University’s Environment Centre and Dr Peter Rickaby of UKCMB.

They discussed not just causes and preventative measures but solutions around effective ways to report poor living conditions to landlords caused by damp & mould. The webinar has been carefully designed to support those responsible for social housing in the UK to avoid the pitfalls associated with ignoring damp and mould.