UKCMB affiliate speaks at ASBP webinar on natural fibre insulation and traditional buildings

UKCMB affiliate speaks at ASBP webinar on natural fibre insulation and traditional buildings
UKCMB Web Admin

Last 26th June 2024, UKCMB affiliate Toby Cambray spoke at the Alliance for Sustanable Building Products (ASBP) webinar on natural fibre insulation and traditional buildings.

The webinar discussed the opportunities and the challenges around the use of natural insulation materials in retrofit.

ASBP says, ‘Natural fibre insulation (NFI) products and systems are derived from natural materials such as wood fibre, wool, hemp, cellulose and straw. NFI is now the fastest growing insulation segment in the UK and its share of the market is expected to grow significantly over the coming years.

Traditional buildings are generally defined as those constructed before 1919 using solid wall construction methods and materials, including stone, earth, brick, wood and lime renders & mortars.’

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