Dr Valentina Marincioni represents UKCMB at Retrofit Revisit workshop

Dr Valentina Marincioni represents UKCMB at Retrofit Revisit workshop
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Dr Valentina Marincioni (UKCMB Technical Director) represented UKCMB at the Retrofit Revisit: Building Performance Evaluation Workshop.

Funded by Innovate UK, alongside Historic England, and led by Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and Studio PDP, Retrofit Revisit is a project that evaluated 10 dwellings, 10 years after they originally received energy efficiency retrofit measures.

Following completion of the project, CIBSE have been undertaking dissemination activities.  This workshop, organised by the Building Performance Network with support from Innovate UK, was an opportunity to delve further into the building performance evaluation approaches (planning, techniques and technologies) that informed the projects findings, with insights and expertise from the lead building performance evaluators – Julie Godefroy and Marion Baeli.

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